Thursday, June 12, 2008


This is my all-time favorite animated/Disney movie. Ever since I was little Cinderella has always been my favorite Disney princess and to this day my friends and I joke around about which princess we are from Ariel to Belle and I of course am always Cinderella.

My friends always ask "why is this one your favorite?" and I say because it's just the perfect fairytale story. I think that I am a hopeless romantic and so this movie has always just fit right into my romantic ways. Cinderella is just such a trooper. She's always positive and happy even in the worst situations and in the end because she sticks to who she is and isn't mean back to her evil step-sisters she gets what she deserves.

I also love her songs. Cinderella has a beautiful voice and I love "A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes". I also want "So This is Love" to probably play at my wedding lol. I also get a kick out of her little mice friends Jaq and Gus Gus and our her evil step-sisters act with each other because they totally remind me of two of my friends who act the exact same way.

Cinderella is the number one princess because I think that her story is one that people always dream of. It's not real but everyone always wants that happily ever after and to find their prince charming and that's why I think this movie is the most popular when people think of princess. I love this movie it's just beautiful all around!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lord of the Rings

I had never heard of J.R.R. Tolkien before these movies came out. I had heard of the Hobbit but never the LOTR series. I'm usually not one that likes these kind of movies like Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. but I could not get enough of LOTR when they first came out.

I couldn't just pick one of the three movies because they were all great! I remember going to see the first one and not knowing at all what to expect but remember just becoming more and more entranced in this movie and when Sam and Frodo went off by themselves at the end of the 1st movie I remember thinking "That's the end?" forgetting there were two more movies yet to be released.

I love this first movie because they were all together and it was fun to see "the fellowship of the ring" and see they all fight and be together before Frodo and Sam went off and everyone ended up in different directions. I loved the second movie because of all the battle sequences. I loved how Aragon, Legolas, and Gimli worked together but also teased and bickered with each other.

I remember that my friend and I won special tickets to go see a premiere of the third movie like a couple of weeks before it was suppose to come out. We were psyched. We were in love with Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen and so were the biggest nerds about the movie. The third movie was great because there were so many great elements and you just finally got to see the ring destroyed after much pain and got to see Aragon finally crowned king and get his love (Liv Tyler) back.

This series of movies was really amazing and I think that Peter Jackson did an unbelievable job and definitely deserved that Oscar by the time the third movie came out.

L.A. Confidential

Ok so we're back to the dramas once again but that's because this movie is a thriller and it's got another twist that I loved and didn't see coming. This movie is rough is a lot of ways with violence and language but this kind of story is just so interesting to me the whole police, crime, movies, drugs mix up is always kind of fascinating in the movies.

L.A. Confidential has the rough characters like Russell Crowe's Bud White or the do-gooder characters like Guy Pearce's Ed Exley and then all the other great characters in between like Kevin Spacey's, Kim Basinger's, Danny Devito's and James Cromwell's. This is just another movie tha thas an outstanding cast that just puts the movie over the edge.

This movie is so good because there's so many stories in one going on and it's so interesting to see how everyone works together or is working around each other. I love how Danny Devito's character and Kevin Spacey's characters work together with the movie and Hollywood side of things because it just adds a little bit of a lighter tone against all the hardcore Night Owl Murder investigation.

The best part of the movie is when Russell Crowe's character starts beating up Ed Exley and they're fighting but then realize that everyone's against them and so they have to start working together and so they start the whole good cop/bad cop routine.

This movie is just a really good suspenseful drama that has all the right ingredients to make it enjoyable if dramas are what you're into.

Singing in the Rain

I've had a lot of dramas on this list but I am also a fan of many of the musicals out there and Singin in the Rain is one of my favorites. My best friend in high school Madison introduced this movie to me. She lives for drama and we would both always participate in the school musicals and then one day over at her house she popped in this movie and I was hitched.

I think it was because I fell in love with Gene Kelly! He is so gorgeous in that movie, such a 50's stud muffin. He could sing, dance, act, he was funny and charming I mean what wasn't there to love. He was such a talented actor and this was definitely one of his best pieces of work. Debbie Reynolds was also very cute in this movie, just adorable and lively and kept him on his toes.

The concept of the movie was really funny with switching to silent movies to talking pictures. One of the funniest scenes is when the characters Don and Lena are trying out the microphones for the first time and then keep having to switch the place of her microphone. I also like the musical number that Cosmo does "Make Them Laugh".

The movie is full of great music and that of course includes the great "Good Mornin" scene and the famous "Singing in the Rain" scene. Those are both such unbelievable numbers and they're fun to watch and the actors were very, very talented performers and I wish that we still had performers like that today.

A Time to Kill

I forget who first introduced me to this movie but ever since they did I've been introducing everyone that I know. Based on the John Grisham book, I personally have not read the book but would probably love it because I just love this movie. The story in A Time to Kill is so powerful and again there are amazing actors in this movie that to me give some of their top notch performances.

It's so hard to read stories or watch movies where there's a raping involved, especially of a young girl and this movie just puts you in it and makes you feel the father's pain. Samuel L. Jackson is heart-wrenching as the father but everyone is so good is the movie. Matthew McConaughy as the lawyer, Sandra Bullock as the assistant, Kevin Spacey as the Prosecutor, even the small roles like Ashley Judd and Keifer Sutherland really stand out.

The movie is so intense because the KKK is involved and they are so dangerous and it's the south so a lot of the police force is corrupt and so you never know what the KKK is going to get away with next from burning down houses to tying up women; it's terrible and full of suspense. The KKK is so evil and yes what Jackson's character did was wrong but the fact that it was the south and the two white men probably would of gotten off for raping a black girl is sad.

The most powerful part of the movie though that just gets you in the pit of your stomach is the final speech that Matthew McConaughy's character gives in court to the jury as he takes you through the entire rape scenario, all the horrible parts and ends with "Now imagine she was white." That is the clincher. It's so moving I couldn't help but cry.

I don't know if the movie was as good as the book but one day I want to sit down and read it and whoever hasn't sat down to watch this movie should!

Mary Poppins

I am a huge Disney fan! Disney movies just make me happy and I will usually put them on to put me in a better mood and to have something light on in the background while I'm working. I have a lot of favorite Disney cartoon movies but Mary Poppins is my favorite real person/cartoon movie. This movie is a lot of fun and has great music and just makes you happy when you watch it.

The way that this movie was made seems in ways to be so before it's time just because of the effects and having a cartoon on the screen the same time as a human. Julie Andrews is wonderful and beautiful and her voice is just amazing. This character of Mary Poppins, which came from a book, is so perfectly played by Andrews that makes you wish that you had a magical nanny growing up.

I also am a big fan of Dick Van Dyke and his character Bert is so much fun and likable and I love his scene where he sings "Step in Time". He and Andrews are the perfect duo and it's so cute when they're doing "Jolly Holiday" together.

This movie is a favorite of mine because of the actors and the music. The Sherman brothers did a wonderful job on the music of this movie and Disney himself picked brilliant actors for all the roles. This is a classic Disney movie and it definitely gets played in my DVD player quite often.

Independence Day

This is one of my All-Time favorite comedies! This movie cracks me up every time that I see it and for so many reasons. The concept of this movie (while yes it might have been done before aliens taking over earth) along with the title is genius in this case. It seemed that the way that this movie was done made it seem almost real and that the idea of aliens taking over earth wasn't so hard to comprehend.

I fell in love with Will Smith in this movie and just thought that he was hilarious. The scene where he's yelling at the alien and punches it saying "welcome to earth" and then sits down to have his cigar ("Now that's what I call a close encounter.") was too funny. I also loved Jeff Goldblum in this movie as he's like this sexy nerd who saves the world. When he and Will are in the alien spaceship and trying to fly it and talking about the fat lady singing, that had me rolling. They are an unlikely duo but it works.

The whole concept of the movie really is genius, how it happens over Independence Day weekend and it's almost like we've fighting for our independence again against the aliens and then when Bill Pullman give his speech talking about "This is our Independence Day!" it's just so gripping. I also liked the tension and past between Pullman and Goldblum's characters and the comedic relief of Judd Hirsh's character ( the Jewish father).

For me the mix of action and comedy was dead on and perfect and made for a fantastic movie that kept me watching and still keeps me watching all the time.

Ben Hur

This movie is a classic. It is one of the most powerful and well done movies that I've ever since. I remember the first time I saw it during my Freshmen year of high school in my Religion class. I had never heard of the movie surprisingly but knew that Charleton Heston had also played Moses in the Ten Commandments, which I'd seen many times. I remember my religion teacher turning up his sound system really loud during the end where Jesus is leaving Earth and it's storming really hard and it was just so powerful it gave me chills.

Ben Hur which had the subtitle of A Tale of the Christ, was made in 1959 by director William Wyler. The movie is really long which represents the old movies where they all seemed to have intermissions but I was captivated by ever minute.

The storyline is ridiculous but in a good way. The way Ben Hur's friend betrays him and he ends up on the slave ship and then has his run in with "Jesus" and then gets out of being a slave and meets the Arab horse racer and finally makes his comeback it's all just amazing! And I love how it all revolves around the time that Jesus was on earth and then through his death.

I love old movies like Ben Hur and the Ten Commandments and Samson and Delilah because I love the way that movies were made back then and the fact that people took the time to make religious movies like that is something I really admire. They all are just so beautifully made and the ends are just so moving. Ben-Hur was a wonderful movie that if you are a movie lover especially of the classics should be high on anyone's list.

The Shawshank Redemption

This movie is another one where I did not see the ending coming at all! But even before the ending there were so many twists and things that popped up that I would never of thought would happen but it just made the movie even better. The Shawshank Redemption is a sad movie but it's also a little funny and ends very triumphant.

The tag line for this movie was "Fear Can Hold You Prisoner but Hope Can Set You Free" and that really holds true to what director Frank Darabont did when this movie that was based off a Stephen King novel. Not only was the story brilliant but so were the actors. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins were phenomenal actors in this movie. Robbins who was convicted of killing his wife meets Freeman who is already in jail and they become great friends.

There's just so many things to the plot of this story that are so wonderful but so tragic that most of the time you think the movie is a real downer but by the end you see how it changes. These men who are in prison start to forgot what the outside world is like. The old man who gets parole but doesn't want to leave prison because that's his home and that's what he knows is heartbreaking. I also didn't expect the storyline with the young guy who gets killed and how the headmaster of the prison knows that Robbins character is innocent but wants to keep him in the prison.

The whole movie you're just like "When is this guy going to get some justice!" And then when Robbins escapes and it goes back to show you how he does it it's crazy! But he was unbelievably smart and it's awesome how he gets out and how he gets the headmaster back and your just like clapping because all the "bad" guys are getting what they deserve.

This movie is intense but another great classic that everyone should really take the time to watch.

The Usual Suspects

Ever since I first saw this movie which was years ago now I just couldn' t get enough. I am a sucker for twisted plots and this one has one of the best. I will admit that the first time I saw The Usual Suspects I was definitely a little confused and was like "Wait what's going on here?!" but by the time it got to the end it started making more sense. I love drama and suspense that keeps you guessing and leaves you wanting more and this movie really does that.

The director Bryan Singer picked a really interesting group of guys to play the five main criminals that the story revolves around. I think Gabriel Bryne is a wonderful actor and proved it once again in this movie. Kevin Spacey is also unbelievable as the cripple who everyone underestimates. Then there are the likes of Benicio Del Toro, Kevin Pollack, and Stephan Baldwin who together with Spacey and Bryne find themselves in a terrible mess that they think is being caused by the infamous Keyser Soze.

Bryan Singer does an unbelievable job at making this story come to life and making everyone think that this Keyser Soze person is real. You're in suspense the whole time wondering when Soze is going to finally show himself. The scene at the docks where everyone starts getting killed you're just like "Oh my god! what's going on?" because you don't expect that to happen but then when you see that fax come out of the machine and you see who Keyser Soze really is it's just like "WHAT?!" And then the cop starts putting it all together and I just thought it was all brillant!

If you haven't seen The Usual Suspects check it out because it is an awesome movie!