Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Independence Day

This is one of my All-Time favorite comedies! This movie cracks me up every time that I see it and for so many reasons. The concept of this movie (while yes it might have been done before aliens taking over earth) along with the title is genius in this case. It seemed that the way that this movie was done made it seem almost real and that the idea of aliens taking over earth wasn't so hard to comprehend.

I fell in love with Will Smith in this movie and just thought that he was hilarious. The scene where he's yelling at the alien and punches it saying "welcome to earth" and then sits down to have his cigar ("Now that's what I call a close encounter.") was too funny. I also loved Jeff Goldblum in this movie as he's like this sexy nerd who saves the world. When he and Will are in the alien spaceship and trying to fly it and talking about the fat lady singing, that had me rolling. They are an unlikely duo but it works.

The whole concept of the movie really is genius, how it happens over Independence Day weekend and it's almost like we've fighting for our independence again against the aliens and then when Bill Pullman give his speech talking about "This is our Independence Day!" it's just so gripping. I also liked the tension and past between Pullman and Goldblum's characters and the comedic relief of Judd Hirsh's character ( the Jewish father).

For me the mix of action and comedy was dead on and perfect and made for a fantastic movie that kept me watching and still keeps me watching all the time.

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