Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ben Hur

This movie is a classic. It is one of the most powerful and well done movies that I've ever since. I remember the first time I saw it during my Freshmen year of high school in my Religion class. I had never heard of the movie surprisingly but knew that Charleton Heston had also played Moses in the Ten Commandments, which I'd seen many times. I remember my religion teacher turning up his sound system really loud during the end where Jesus is leaving Earth and it's storming really hard and it was just so powerful it gave me chills.

Ben Hur which had the subtitle of A Tale of the Christ, was made in 1959 by director William Wyler. The movie is really long which represents the old movies where they all seemed to have intermissions but I was captivated by ever minute.

The storyline is ridiculous but in a good way. The way Ben Hur's friend betrays him and he ends up on the slave ship and then has his run in with "Jesus" and then gets out of being a slave and meets the Arab horse racer and finally makes his comeback it's all just amazing! And I love how it all revolves around the time that Jesus was on earth and then through his death.

I love old movies like Ben Hur and the Ten Commandments and Samson and Delilah because I love the way that movies were made back then and the fact that people took the time to make religious movies like that is something I really admire. They all are just so beautifully made and the ends are just so moving. Ben-Hur was a wonderful movie that if you are a movie lover especially of the classics should be high on anyone's list.

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