Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Time to Kill

I forget who first introduced me to this movie but ever since they did I've been introducing everyone that I know. Based on the John Grisham book, I personally have not read the book but would probably love it because I just love this movie. The story in A Time to Kill is so powerful and again there are amazing actors in this movie that to me give some of their top notch performances.

It's so hard to read stories or watch movies where there's a raping involved, especially of a young girl and this movie just puts you in it and makes you feel the father's pain. Samuel L. Jackson is heart-wrenching as the father but everyone is so good is the movie. Matthew McConaughy as the lawyer, Sandra Bullock as the assistant, Kevin Spacey as the Prosecutor, even the small roles like Ashley Judd and Keifer Sutherland really stand out.

The movie is so intense because the KKK is involved and they are so dangerous and it's the south so a lot of the police force is corrupt and so you never know what the KKK is going to get away with next from burning down houses to tying up women; it's terrible and full of suspense. The KKK is so evil and yes what Jackson's character did was wrong but the fact that it was the south and the two white men probably would of gotten off for raping a black girl is sad.

The most powerful part of the movie though that just gets you in the pit of your stomach is the final speech that Matthew McConaughy's character gives in court to the jury as he takes you through the entire rape scenario, all the horrible parts and ends with "Now imagine she was white." That is the clincher. It's so moving I couldn't help but cry.

I don't know if the movie was as good as the book but one day I want to sit down and read it and whoever hasn't sat down to watch this movie should!

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