Thursday, June 12, 2008


This is my all-time favorite animated/Disney movie. Ever since I was little Cinderella has always been my favorite Disney princess and to this day my friends and I joke around about which princess we are from Ariel to Belle and I of course am always Cinderella.

My friends always ask "why is this one your favorite?" and I say because it's just the perfect fairytale story. I think that I am a hopeless romantic and so this movie has always just fit right into my romantic ways. Cinderella is just such a trooper. She's always positive and happy even in the worst situations and in the end because she sticks to who she is and isn't mean back to her evil step-sisters she gets what she deserves.

I also love her songs. Cinderella has a beautiful voice and I love "A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes". I also want "So This is Love" to probably play at my wedding lol. I also get a kick out of her little mice friends Jaq and Gus Gus and our her evil step-sisters act with each other because they totally remind me of two of my friends who act the exact same way.

Cinderella is the number one princess because I think that her story is one that people always dream of. It's not real but everyone always wants that happily ever after and to find their prince charming and that's why I think this movie is the most popular when people think of princess. I love this movie it's just beautiful all around!

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