Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Shawshank Redemption

This movie is another one where I did not see the ending coming at all! But even before the ending there were so many twists and things that popped up that I would never of thought would happen but it just made the movie even better. The Shawshank Redemption is a sad movie but it's also a little funny and ends very triumphant.

The tag line for this movie was "Fear Can Hold You Prisoner but Hope Can Set You Free" and that really holds true to what director Frank Darabont did when this movie that was based off a Stephen King novel. Not only was the story brilliant but so were the actors. Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins were phenomenal actors in this movie. Robbins who was convicted of killing his wife meets Freeman who is already in jail and they become great friends.

There's just so many things to the plot of this story that are so wonderful but so tragic that most of the time you think the movie is a real downer but by the end you see how it changes. These men who are in prison start to forgot what the outside world is like. The old man who gets parole but doesn't want to leave prison because that's his home and that's what he knows is heartbreaking. I also didn't expect the storyline with the young guy who gets killed and how the headmaster of the prison knows that Robbins character is innocent but wants to keep him in the prison.

The whole movie you're just like "When is this guy going to get some justice!" And then when Robbins escapes and it goes back to show you how he does it it's crazy! But he was unbelievably smart and it's awesome how he gets out and how he gets the headmaster back and your just like clapping because all the "bad" guys are getting what they deserve.

This movie is intense but another great classic that everyone should really take the time to watch.

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